Thank you to all of our generous donors who have chosen to Lend a Paw!
Your contributions have saved pets' lives and enhanced their quality of living, provided scholarship grants to veterinarians, technicians, and veterinary students and provided a variety of mental health, self-care services for veterinarians. Below are a few of the
success stories because of your generosity!
Sugar is a survivor! She fought hard through Parvo and pregnancy. Thankfully she made a full-recovery and her babies are safe and healthy too!
Truman rallied! He continued to have urinary blockage and needed perineal urethrostomy surgery to decrease the likelihood of recurring obstruction. Truman has remained healthy and strong since undergoing surgery!
Stella gave her family quite the scare when she accidentally lodged a dog toy in her throat, blocking her airways. Through life-saving emergency surgery Stella was saved and her family is forever thankful.